Life Insurance

Life Insurance-Why
Do I Need It?

It is super important to acquire and maintain life insurance, but it can be difficult for individuals to understand and make informed choices about the different options available. The rising cost of life insurance is becoming a bigger and bigger problem for many people. As medical bills continue to rise, it becomes difficult for families to make ends meet with the proper coverage. Barker Insurance Group offers Life Insurance to ensure that you’re never burdened with financial worry when life’s unexpected events happen. The last thing you need is more stress, and you don’t want your children or spouse struggling with your financial burdens in the event of your death. The best way to prevent this is to be proactive and purchase Life Insurance coverage now. Barker Insurance Group offers Life Insurance policies to local clients and those nationwide. Our providers offer a variety of life insurance plans to meet your family’s needs.

Final Expense

Do you spend your days worrying about what will happen if something were to happen to you or a loved one? Do you want peace of mind knowing that you or your loved ones will be taken care of financially? Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult things anyone can experience. On top of the grief, to all of a sudden be in a situation where you have to come up with thousands of dollars to take care of the final expenses, can be devastating. You or your family may have to take time off work to make the arrangements causing a loss of income. Paying for a grave stone and all of the burial costs, and then there is the funeral. Many times a family member will have to ask for help from the church or start a Go Fund Me account to try to help pay for the costs, or worse, put the costs on a credit card at 22% interest, which takes years to pay off. There are times the death of a loved one, though unintentional, leaves those left behind in a very difficult financial situation that can sometimes take years to come back from. That’s why it is so important to make planning for the future a priority. A final expense policy is one way to make sure everything will be taken care of ahead of time. With Barker Insurance Group, you don’t have to go through all of that by yourself. Let us help find the right plan for you now, so you and your family have the peace of mind knowing that everything will be taken care of later. Call Barker Insurance Group for more information about our Final Expense policies and get a no-cost personalized quote today.

Final Expense

Do you spend your days worrying about what will happen if something were to happen to you or a loved one? Do you want peace of mind knowing that you or your loved ones will be taken care of financially? Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult things anyone can experience. On top of the grief, to all of a sudden be in a situation where you have to come up with thousands of dollars to take care of the final expenses, can be devastating. You or your family may have to take time off work to make the arrangements causing a loss of income. Paying for a grave stone and all of the burial costs, and then there is the funeral. Many times a family member will have to ask for help from the church or start a Go Fund Me account to try to help pay for the costs, or worse, put the costs on a credit card at 22% interest, which takes years to pay off. There are times the death of a loved one, though unintentional, leaves those left behind in a very difficult financial situation that can sometimes take years to come back from. That’s why it is so important to make planning for the future a priority. A final expense policy is one way to make sure everything will be taken care of ahead of time. With Barker Insurance Group, you don’t have to go through all of that by yourself. Let us help find the right plan for you now, so you and your family have the peace of mind knowing that everything will be taken care of later. Call Barker Insurance Group for more information about our Final Expense policies and get a no-cost personalized quote today.

Mortgage Protection

In the US each year, roughly half of all foreclosures are due to death and disability. Protecting your family’s financial security and quality of life with insurance coverage is essential, but it is often overlooked or just not thought of until a devastating situation occurs. Many people don”t realize that the mortgage balance is something your family will have to pay off if you’re no longer around. But all too often when a spouse passes away, the remaining spouse is left wondering and worrying about how they will cover the monthly costs for their home now that the income stream has substantially decreased. Protect yourself and your family with mortgage protection insurance from Barker Insurance Group. It is the least expensive way to provide that peace of mind and security for your loved ones. In the event of your death, mortgage protection helps your family relieve some of the financial burdens by providing a lump sum benefit that can be used to pay off the remaining balance of that mortgage, allowing them to stay in the home they love and feel safe in without worry. With some plans, you may even qualify for additional benefits providing coverage for chronic, critical & terminal illness that could allow you to accelerate your insurance benefits in life, not just in death. Protect yourself and your family with Mortgage Protection Insurance from Barker Insurance Group today!

Term Insurance

Unexpected health concerns, accidental deaths and increased violent crime rates are just some of the factors that make term insurance more important than ever before. Term insurance is a type of life insurance that covers the insured individual for a predetermined number of years. You can get covered for as much as 30 years with Barker Insurance Group! This type of insurance has the lowest cost and allows for you to have larger coverage amounts for that set term. Barker Insurance Group provides term insurance at the lowest rates with many different options. Whether you’re a family man looking for coverage for the next three decades or an aspiring artist who needs coverage for your early years, we have the policy to meet your needs.
Call or visit our office today!

Term Insurance

Unexpected health concerns, accidental deaths and increased violent crime rates are just some of the factors that make term insurance more important than ever before. Term insurance is a type of life insurance that covers the insured individual for a predetermined number of years. You can get covered for as much as 30 years with Barker Insurance Group! This type of insurance has the lowest cost and allows for you to have larger coverage amounts for that set term. Barker Insurance Group provides term insurance at the lowest rates with many different options. Whether you’re a family man looking for coverage for the next three decades or an aspiring artist who needs coverage for your early years, we have the policy to meet your needs.
Call or visit our office today!

Universal Life

A good life insurance plan can provide financial protection for you and your family now and for those left behind when something unexpected happens to you. Universal Life insurance is one type of cash value life insurance. Every month you make a payment and anything above the cost of insurance goes into a type of savings account, acquiring interest. You are essentially creating your own bank account for the future. If properly funded this could provide a lifetime income stream. Or maybe you just take a loan for a down payment on a car or home, then which you pay back as you are able to yourself, thus allowing for the cash value to be available again later. We can set this policy up to allow for the cash value to be paid out to you alongside the death benefit for your family. At Barker Insurance Group, we make sure your life is planned for and taken care of in a way that suits your needs. Our expert advisors know how to find the right coverage at the right price so that when something happens, you’ll be ready. Let’s work together to find the best plan for you and your family’s needs! Contact Barker Insurance Group today to learn more about our insurance plans and protect everything that matters to you!

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